Training for UChicago

The following videos are available to the UChicago community. You must log in with your CNet ID to gain access.

CDA training videos

Learn more about digital accessibility by watching one of the training videos created by the CDA. Contact us to schedule a meeting or request custom training.

Intro to Digital Accessibility at University of Chicago (16:15)
In this 16-minute session, Pat Kogos, Director of the CDA, provides an introduction to digital accessibility and why it is important for the University of Chicago campus community.

Assessing Your Website for Accessibility (45:38)
In this 45-minute session, Jack Auses from the CDA discusses the importance of evaluating your website for accessibility and walks through how to conduct automated and manual assessments.

Experiences and barriers in the modern digital world (42:08)
In this 42-minute session, The Chicago Lighthouse Digital Accessible Experiences (DAX) team discusses the current state of assistive technology and the types of challenges and barriers they often encounter in the digital world.

Easy Manual Web Accessibility Testing Demo (19:59)
In this 20-minute session, Jack Auses from the CDA teaches how to conduct basic keyboard-only tests on your website to ensure accessibility for people with visual or mobility impairments who are unable to use a mouse.

Exploring AI and Digital Accessibility (38:15)
This session is designed to provide a foundational understanding of how generative AI tools can enhance the accessibility of digital content for all users. Presented by Michael Hernandez of Academic Technology Solutions.

Deque videos


Learn about various digital accessibility topics in these bootcamp videos created by Deque Systems for the UChicago community.

Keyboard Accessibility (1:03:25)
This video for web designers, developers, and content owners shows that the key to finding and solving many accessibility issues is already at your fingertips. Learn why keyboard accessibility is important and find out how to make a site or application accessible with a keyboard. Perform five tests for basic keyboard functionality and discover additional techniques that go beyond the basics.

Images and Colors (47:15)
This video will help web designers and content owners understand the challenges users might encounter when trying to perceive or understand images or colors on their websites. Determine when and how to provide text alternatives for visual content, test for sufficient contrast, and ensure that your content is not distinguished by color alone.


Deque – Overview of new WCAG 2.2 guidelines – This webinar includes a brief overview of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG); the 9 new success criteria in WCAG 2.2; who the new success criteria impacts and an overview of how to test for them; what this standard means for the future of accessibility compliance.

GAAD sessions

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), focuses on digital equality for the one billion people in the world living with a disability. Each year the CDA celebrates GAAD by hosting a series of virtual sessions for the University of Chicago community.

GAAD 2024

Digital Accessibility and Neurodiversity (20:39)
The CDA team discusses how to remove barriers from our digital materials for people who are neurodiverse, including those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, dyslexia, and more.

GAAD 2022

Assistive Technology (AT) Demonstration (55:34)
The Digital Accessible Experience (DAX) team from The Chicago Lighthouse demonstrates AT devices and software used by people with disabilities.

CDA lightning talks

Meet the CDA and EOP teams (8:13)
Meet the teams from the Center for Digital Accessibility in IT Services and the Office of the Provost’s Equal Opportunity Programs at UChicago.

Accessibility checkers in Canvas and Word (13:28)
The Center for Digital Accessibility provides a brief overview of how to use built-in accessibility checkers in Canvas and Microsoft products.

Website assessment methods (13:16)
The Center for Digital Accessibility provides a high-level overview of how to evaluate the accessibility of a website.

LinkedIn Learning courses

Digital Accessibility collection
This list of courses is curated by the University of Chicago Center for Digital Accessibility. To recommend additional courses or provide feedback, please contact us.