Digital Accessibility Advocates

You can make a difference in strengthening digital access for everyone. Volunteering to be a Digital Accessibility Advocate is a great way to promote accessibility within your unit, department, or division. Advocates are needed across the University to raise awareness and engage in the work of addressing digital accessibility at scale.


  • Creating liaisons between units and the CDA
  • Providing more channels of communication for accessibility initiatives
  • Increasing understanding and knowledge about digital accessibility
  • Strengthening digital equity and inclusion across campus

Digital Accessibility Advocate responsibilities

  • Complete training (~1.5 hours)
  • Attend quarterly meetings (45 minutes each)
  • Answer basic accessibility questions from your unit or department and refer complex issues to the CDA
  • Advocate for accessibility in your unit or department
  • Be knowledgeable regarding services provided by the CDA team and resources on the CDA website


  • Interest in and commitment to advancing digital accessibility
  • Approval from your manager (for staff members)
  • No restriction on the number of participants per unit or department
  • No special expertise or role is required


  • Peer support from Advocates across the University who are committed to digital accessibility
  • Insight into broad digital accessibility themes campus-wide
  • Expert guidance via regular touchpoints with the CDA team
  • Training & resources to support you in your unit and build valuable skills
  • Acknowledgement as a Digital Accessibility Advocate on the UChicago Intranet
    • People across campus will have a way of finding someone closer to them as a potential first-line
  • Satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to create a more inclusive campus

If you’re interested in becoming a Digital Accessibility Advocate, please fill out the required form. If you are a staff member, please get approval from your manager. The CDA will contact all interested applicants regarding next steps.


A list of Digital Accessibility Advocates is available on the Intranet.