Grackle for Google Workspace
Grackle Workspace is an add-on to the UChicago Google Workspace that can be used to create more accessible Docs, Slides, and Sheets. It is currently available for instructors, students, and staff with UChicago Google accounts. Note: Chicago Booth and Lab Schools are not currently in the UChicago Google Workspace.
You can launch the add-on from the Extensions menu in Docs, Slides, or Sheets. A one-time permission per app is required.
- Runs automated accessibility check of your document.
- Breaks down accessibility issues into prioritized, manageable tasks.
- Flags issues that need to be tested with a manual check, such as reading order.
- Produces more accessible output upon export to other formats.
Grackle Workspace is simple to use and does not require accessibility expertise. Simply launch the add-on from the Extensions menu in Docs, Slides, or Sheets.
Please note: Grackle Workspace not intended for documents that contain restricted data, as defined by the University’s Data Classification Guidelines. Any questions about sensitive or restricted data should be directed to
- About Grackle for Google Docs
- About Grackle for Google Slides
- About Grackle for Google Sheets
- GrackleDocs Knowledge Base
- GrackleDocs Demo (21:42 YouTube video)
- Submit a Support Ticket to Grackle
Please email if you have any questions or need assistance.